Resource Integration

This section offers steps to guide Interconnecting Entities (IEs) and Resource Entities (REs) through the interconnection process for new or modified generation interconnections within the ERCOT system. Entities wishing to interconnect new generation or modify existing generation should refer to Planning Guide, Section 5.1.1 - Applicability, to determine if the proposed resource or modification must go through the Generation Resource Interconnection or Change Request (GINR) process.

Transmission-connected resources not subject to the requirements of Planning Guide Section 5 must still submit appropriate Resource Asset Registration Forms (RARF) found in the Models section below. Guidelines for Distributed Generation can be found on the Distributed Generation page. Any questions on resource integration can be directed to ResourceIntegrationDepartment@ercot.com.

IEs wishing to submit or modify a GINR application must do so through the online Resource Integration and Ongoing Operations – Interconnection Services (RIOO – IS) application, following the processes described in Planning Guide, Section 5 and the RIOO–IS IE User Guide. Links to both guides can be found in the Guides section below.

Applicable fees are specified in the ERCOT Fee Schedule.

Once a planned Generation Resource has met the requirements of Planning Guide Section 6.9 - Addition of Proposed Generation to the Planning Models, it may be registered with ERCOT. The entity that will register with ERCOT and be responsible for the Resource is the RE. This may be the IE, or another entity.  

Information is also provided for Transmission Service Providers (TSPs) to sign up for and use RIOO-IS, in order to perform tasks pertaining to the interconnection process.


Model Quality Guide
Assists REs/IEs submit stability models per Planning Guide Section 6.2, including the new Model Quality Testing requirements. Also includes the UDM Model Guideline and PSCAD Model Guideline.
Jul 1, 2024 - zip - 3.8 MB
Self Limiting Facilities In the Interconnection Process
This document describes the process to submit Self-Limiting Facilities in the Generation Resource Interconnection or Change Request (GINR) Process prior to full implementation of NPRR1026.
Mar 30, 2021 - docx - 161.6 KB
Planning Guide
Section 5, Generation Resource Interconnection or Change Request (GINR), defines the requirements and processes used to facilitate new or modified generation interconnections.
Resource Interconnection Handbook
Provides an overview of the Generation Interconnection or Change Request (GINR) process that Interconnecting Entities/Resource Entities must follow in order to add new generation/modify existing generation connected to the ERCOT Transmission Grid.
Mar 2, 2023 - docx - 1.7 MB

RIOO Documentation

Signing Up for a RIOO Services User Account

Guides the user through the steps to create a user account and register their mobile phone to access RIOO Interconnection and Resource Services

Managing Your RIOO Services User Account
Describes how to change a phone, phone number, and a multifactor authentication app as well as how to update personal information and change a password

Creating an INR in RIOO Interconnection Services

Guides the IEs and REs through the process for creating a request to interconnect a resource to the ERCOT electrical grid

November 2023 Changes to RIOO-IS – Self Limiting Facilities and POIB
Screenshots showing the changes to RIOO-IS made in November 2023 that altered the SLF and POIB data panels
Entering Resource Registration Data in RIOO-IS
Screenshots showing how to enter Resource Registration (Substation) data in RIOO-RS
Understanding the RIOO Export spreadsheet
Guide to help understand the spreadsheet that RIOO exports

Managing INRs in RIOO Interconnection Services

Managing Your INR as an IE or RE
Describes the tasks associated with updating and adding information to their submitted INR
Managing INRs as a TSP/DSP
Describes the tasks associated with studying and analyzing submitted INRs, making study results available, and monitoring project milestone dates


Battery Request for Information Template
Facilitates the collection of information for batteries, and Self-Limiting Facilities and DC-Coupled Resources that include batteries. Planned projects that include batteries should submit a completed template to RIOO-IS as an “Other” file type once an IA has been signed.
May 15, 2024 - xlsx - 21.8 KB
Resource Asset Registration Forms (RARF)
Provides input to the Network Model used by Operations in dispatch of Resources.
Nov 4, 2019 - zip - 4.1 MB
Collector System Template
Facilitates entry of collector data by providing useful feedback and error checking. Use this form in lieu of filling out the RARF Cable_Data and Segments tabs. Submit by including with your RARF upload.
Jun 30, 2020 - zip - 505.5 KB
Dynamic Model Templates
Used to facilitate the collection of resource Dynamic Data to be submitted in conjunction with the RARF.
Oct 20, 2023 - zip - 30.3 MB


ERCOT SSR Study Scope Guidelines
Used to evaluate vulnerability and identify any needed countermeasures.
Dec 4, 2020 - docx - 88.9 KB
Reactive Study Scope
Used to demonstrate, as per Nodal Protocol Section 3.15, that the interconnecting Generation Resource is designed to meet the Reactive Power capability requirements of the Nodal Protocols and Operating Guides.
Apr 15, 2020 - docx - 93.4 KB


ERCOT Fee Schedule
The ERCOT Fee Schedule is located in the Protocols.


Feb 9, 2021 - docx - 127 KB
Dec 30, 2020 - docx - 235.8 KB
Combined AVR Template 1.21
AVR Template to be used by conventional generation, Intermittent Renewable Resources (Solar and Wind), and Inverter-Based Resources (Storage). This template is used to submit AVR test data in NDCRC. Please do not alter the column order or add/delete columns. Use an additional template form if your site has more than 5 units.
Sep 21, 2022 - xlsx - 50.2 KB
Commissioning Plan Template
Used to obtain approval to energize, synchronize, and complete required commission testing.
Dec 10, 2018 - xls - 200.5 KB
ERCOT New Generator Commissioning Checklist
Checklist used by QSEs to complete required testing for new generating unit start-ups in the QSE's market and control systems, as well as ERCOT's operation and marketing systems. It is also required to receive expressed approval to connect to the ERCOT grid.
May 1, 2024 - docx - 98 KB
PGRR103 Good Cause Exception Request
Use this form to request a good cause exception from the 300-day Part 2 > 20 MVA to Part 3 Request time limit.
Dec 28, 2023 - docx - 29.5 KB