Market Reports

ERCOT provides the following data in compliance with the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) Substantive Rule §25.505. This data is intended to assist market participants in their resource planning and projected assessment of system adequacy (PASA).

The Statement of Opportunities  provides a projection of the capability of existing and planned Generation Resources, Load Resources, and Transmision Facilities to reliably meet ERCOT's projected needs.

The reports on this page contain information on projected loads, resource adequacy, transmission constraints and plans. Completed, canceled, and future transmission project information including a summary of costs is also included.

Please visit Market Prices for related information.

Current Information

Capacity, Demand and Reserve Report
This biannual report contains a 10-year forecast of electric use and expected generation resources.
Oct 16, 2024 - xlsx - 387.9 KB

Key Documents

Managed Capacity Declaration Form
The Managed Capacity Declaration Form is located in Section 23 of the Protocols.
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