Technical Advisory Committee

The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), comprised of stakeholders, makes recommendations to the Board of Directors and is assisted by four subcommittees:

Consumers are represented on all committees, which meet monthly. Numerous task forces and working groups reporting to these major subcommittees also meet regularly.

TAC makes recommendations to the board regarding ERCOT policies and procedures and is responsible for prioritizing projects through the protocol revision request, system change request and guide revision processes.

!  View live and archived meeting webcasts

*Please contact Swagit Support at 1-800-573-3160 for issues related to viewing webcasts.

Contact Information

Chair:  Caitlin Smith

Vice Chair:  Collin Martin

!  Send an email to this group: tacandothers@lists.ercot.com or Subscribe to this email list.

Key Documents

Jun 27, 2024 - doc - 49 KB
Feb 16, 2024 - docx - 21.9 KB
Mar 21, 2023 - docx - 49.7 KB
Dec 9, 2013 - doc - 33 KB
Jul 25, 2024 - xls - 352.5 KB
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