Day-Ahead Market

The Day-Ahead Market (DAM) is a voluntary, financially-binding forward energy market. The DAM matches willing buyers and sellers, subject to network security and other constraints, whereby energy is co-optimized with Ancillary Services and certain Congestion Revenue Rights. It provides a platform to hedge congestion costs in the day-ahead of the Operating Day, and instruments to mitigate the risk of price volatility in Real-Time.

Ancillary Service Plans

DAM Ancillary Service Plan
View Ancillary Service requirements for each hour of the current and next day.
Percent Change in Load-Provided Responsive Reserve
View the total amount of Responsive Reserve Service (RRS) allowed by Load Resources.

Day-Ahead Market Results Displays

DAM Clearing Prices for Capacity Display
View the Market Clearing Prices for Capacity for all Ancillary Services for the next day, current day, and previous five days.
DAM Settlement Point Prices Display
View the DAM Settlement Point Prices for all Trading Hubs and Load Zones for the next day, current day, and previous five days.

Day-Ahead Market Results Reports

Aggregated Ancillary Service Offer Curve
View the aggregated Ancillary Service Offer Curve for the last 30 days on a daily basis which includes the following AS types: OFFNS, ONNS, REGDN, REGUP, RRSGN, RRSLD, & RRSNC.
DAM Clearing Prices for Capacity
View the Market Clearing Prices for Capacity for all Ancillary Services from the Day-Ahead Market for the last thirty days on a daily basis.
DAM De-Energized Settlement Points in Base Case
View the list of settlement points that were de-energized in the base case of the Day Ahead Market.
DAM Electrically Similar Settlement Points
View the current list of all DAM Electrically Similar Settlement Points (ESSPs) that are used for market processes and transactions. Per protocols, certain transaction are not allowed between ESSPs. In order to support this protocol requirement, a list of ESSPs are posted prior to 0600 as a study for DAM, and also after DAM completion to reflect the ESSP list that was enforced in the DAM solution (recognizing that the network topology and outage changes can add or remove settlement points from the ESSP list on an intra-day basis).
DAM Hourly LMPs
View the Hourly Locational Marginal Prices per electrical bus from the Day-Ahead Market for the last thirty days on a daily basis.
DAM PTP Obligation Results by Settlement Point
View the total amount of PTP Obligation Bids awarded and CRR Offers not awarded in the Day-Ahead Market per Settlement Point where the Settlement Point of the bid or offer is either the Source or the Sink for the last thirty days on a daily basis.
DAM Settlement Point Prices
View the Settlement Point Prices for all Resource Nodes, Load Zones, and Trading Hubs from the Day-Ahead Market for the last thirty days on a daily basis.
DAM Shadow Prices
View active and binding constraints as well as the associated shadow prices from the Day-Ahead Market for the last thirty days on a daily basis.
DAM System Lambda
View the System Lambda of each successful DAM.
DAM Total Energy Purchased
View the total amount of energy purchased via valid energy bids per Settlement Point from the Day-Ahead Market for the last thirty days on a daily basis.
DAM Total Energy Sold
View the total amount of energy sold via three-part supply offers, energy offer curves, and energy-only offers per Settlement Point from the Day-Ahead Market for the last thirty days on a daily basis.
Day Ahead Point-to-Point Option Price Report
View the Point-to-Point Option price in dollars identified by Source & Sink Settlement Point calculated by MMS from the Day-Ahead Market for the last thirty days on a daily basis.
Total Ancillary Service Offers
View the total quantity in MW of Offers per Ancillary Service per hour from the Day-Ahead Market for the last thirty days on a daily basis which includes the following AS types: REGDN, REGUP, RRS, & NSPIN.

Day-Ahead Supporting Information

Electrical Bus Mapping for Heuristic Pricing
This report shows the heuristic pricing associations on a daily basis that are used in the market solutions for Day-Ahead Market (DAM) and Real-Time Market (RTM). This posting helps the market's understanding of the methodology and values of the published prices.
Load Distribution Factors
Load forecast distribution factors from which Market Participants can calculate Load at the Electrical Bus level by hour for the next seven days.
Settlement Points List and Electrical Buses Mapping
View the current list of all Settlement Points that may be used for market processes and transactions.

System Conditions

Weather Assumptions
View forecasted hourly temperature values for the next day for each weather zone.
Wind Power Production - Hourly Averaged Actual and Forecasted Values
This report is posted every hour and includes System-wide and Regional actual hourly averaged wind power production, STWPF, WGRPP and COP HSLs for On-Line WGRs for a rolling historical 48-hour period as well as the System-wide and Regional STWPF, WGRPP and COP HSLs for On-Line WGRs for the rolling future 168-hour period.

Key Documents

Load Distribution Factors Methodology
This methodology describes the TAC approved steps needed to generate and maintain Load Distribution Factors (LDF).
Dec 3, 2018 - docx - 37.2 KB
Methodology for Determining Minimum Ancillary Service Requirements
Find the methodology used to determine the minimum monthly Ancillary Service requirements.
Aug 1, 2024 - zip - 1.4 MB