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- Membership
ERCOT has reduced staff available to receive, distribute, and manage incoming postal mail, deliveries, and faxes on a daily basis. As a result, ERCOT requires submission of all Applications for the 2024 Membership Year electronically through ERCOT's Public Portal (ServiceNow) at Annual Membership Request and all Annual Member Dues shall be submitted by wire transfer. Applicants that do not have an existing ERCOT Public Portal account will need to create an account by clicking on the New Users Click here to Register link on the login page. Please contact ERCOT at membership@ercot.com for electronic funds transfer instructions.
Membership in ERCOT is open to any entity that meets any of the segment definitions as set forth in the ERCOT Bylaws. Members must be in an organization that either operates in the ERCOT region or represents consumers within the ERCOT region. A member applicant may join as a corporate, associate or adjunct member and will be subject to the criteria set forth in the ERCOT Bylaws. A member applicant must apply for membership through an authorized officer or agent.
The Members are organized by the following Market Segments:
- Adjunct
- Consumers
- Cooperatives
- Independent Generators
- Independent Power Marketers
- Independent Retail Electric Providers
- Investor-Owned Utilities
- Municipals