
Title: Add an expiration date to the Special Needs designation to allow CRs to audit these designations and ask TDSPs for clarification of whether a status has been removed if the expiration date has passed without receiving an update.
Next Step: RMS voted to withdraw Change Control 2010-764 as Change Control 2011-781 replaces it.
Status: Withdrawn on 05/18/2011


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
05/18/2011 RMS Withdrawn RMS voted to withdraw Change Control 2010-764 as Change Control 2011-781 replaces it.
04/20/2011 RMS Deferred/Tabled RMS voted to Table Change Control 2010-764, pending additional discussion on Change Control 2011-781
04/14/2011 MCT Recommended for Withdrawal Request to withdraw Change Control 2010-764 by Texas SET as Change Control 2011-781 replaces it.
10/28/2010 TXSET Recommended for Approval
01/19/2011 RMS Approved Classified as Non-Emergency by RMS
12/08/2010 RMS Approved Approved by RMS


Status: Withdrawn
Date Submitted: 10/27/2010
Submitter Name: Jennifer Fredrick
Submitter Company: Direct Energy
Emergency: No
Sections: 814_04, 814_05, 814_14, 814_20 and 814_22
Description: Add an expiration date to the Special Needs designation to allow CRs to audit these designations and ask TDSPs for clarification of whether a status has been removed if the expiration date has passed without receiving an update.
Version: 4.0
Protocol Impact: No

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