Resource Entities

An Entity that owns and/or controls a Generation Resource, Load Resource, and/or a Non-Modeled Generator is registered with ERCOT as a Resource Entity.

Resource Entities (RE)


The Resource Entity (RE) Application for Registration can be found in Section 23 of the Protocols. Each RE must complete the application and identify a Qualified Scheduling Entity (QSE) to complete the ERCOT registration requirements.

REs should review the following important information based on their planned ERCOT participation:

Asset Registration

An RE’s assets must also be registered. Most RE Asset registration activities include the following:

  • Complete all required Generation Interconnection Change Request processes as described in the Planning Guide, Section 5 located under Guides below.
  • Submit the Resource Asset Registration Forms, located under Asset Registration Documents below.
  • Complete the design and installation of an ERCOT-polled settlement meter, as described in the Settlement Metering Operating Guide located under Guides below.
  • Establish a data link with the QSE. Refer to the ERCOT Nodal ICCP Handbook located under Guides below.
  • Work closely with designated QSE and ERCOT to coordinate planning for the first operating day and unit commissioning.
  • Submit the ERCOT New Generator Commissioning Checklist for approval to energize, synchronize, and complete required commission testing. See QSE Documents below.

Additional Requirements

Most REs must also be registered with the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT). Please refer to the Power Generation Companies and Self-Generator Registration area on the PUCT website. The Resource Entity shall register Distributed Generation (DG) in accordance with ERCOT Protocols Section 16, if the DG’s installed capacity is greater than one (1) MW or if the energy is to be accounted for in wholesale market settlements. Please refer to the Distributed Generation section for more information.

Each Resource Entity is required by Section 3.21 of the Protocols to submit an emergency operations plan and a weatherization plan to ERCOT for each Generation Resource under its control and to keep those plans updated. Section 3.21 also requires each Resource Entity to submit a completed declaration regarding the completion of weatherization preparations for each summer and winter season (See Protocols Attachments K and O). These plans and declarations are to be emailed to EOP@ercot.com. For new Generation Resources, ERCOT will verify compliance with these submission requirements during the commissioning process. 


ERCOT Nodal ICCP Communications Handbook v3.22
This handbook sets practices, conventions, and fundamental parameters required for Market Participants to exchange data with ERCOT using ICCP protocol in the TX Nodal Market.
Mar 27, 2024 - docx - 1.4 MB
Model Quality Guide
Assists REs/IEs submit stability models per Planning Guide Section 6.2, including the new Model Quality Testing requirements. Also includes the UDM Model Guideline and PSCAD Model Guideline.
Jul 1, 2024 - zip - 3.8 MB
Planning Guide
Section 5, Generation Resource Interconnection or Change Request (GINR), defines the requirements and processes used to facilitate new or modified generation interconnections.
Settlement Metering Operating Guide
Reference to complete the design and installation of an ERCOT-polled settlement meter.

RIOO Documentation

Signing Up for a RIOO Services User Account

Guides the user through the steps to create a user account and register their mobile phone to access RIOO Interconnection and Resource Services

Managing Your RIOO Services User Account
Describes how to change a phone, phone number, and a multifactor authentication app as well as how to update personal information and change a password

Creating an INR in RIOO Interconnection Services

Guides the IEs and REs through the process for creating a request to interconnect a resource to the ERCOT electrical grid

Managing INRs in RIOO Interconnection Services

Managing Your INR as an IE or RE
Describes the tasks associated with updating and adding information to their submitted INR
Managing INRs as a TSP/DSP
Describes the tasks associated with studying and analyzing submitted INRs, making study results available, and monitoring project milestone dates

Resource Entity Registration

RE Application for Registration
The Resource Entity (RE) Application for Registration is located in Section 23 of the Protocols.

Asset Registration Documents

Resource Asset Registration Forms (RARF)
Provides input to the Network Model used by Operations in dispatch of Resources.
Nov 4, 2019 - zip - 4.1 MB
Collector System Template
Facilitates entry of collector data by providing useful feedback and error checking. Use this form in lieu of filling out the RARF Cable_Data and Segments tabs. Submit by including with your RARF upload.
Jun 30, 2020 - zip - 505.5 KB
Commissioning Plan Template
Used to obtain approval to energize, synchronize, and complete required commission testing.
Dec 10, 2018 - xls - 200.5 KB
Dynamic Model Templates
Used to facilitate the collection of resource Dynamic Data to be submitted in conjunction with the RARF.
Oct 1, 2024 - zip - 30.4 MB
Generation Resource Splitting Agreement
Specifies how the control of a Generation Resource that is divided into two or more Split Generation Resources is to be allocated among each of the affected Resource Entities (REs).
May 12, 2021 - docx - 46.8 KB
Network Model Interim Update Request
Used by Resource Entities (REs) to request interim updates to the Network Model.
Dec 10, 2018 - doc - 189 KB
MOU and EC Opt-In Checklist
Assists Municipally Owned Utilities (MOU) and Electric Cooperatives (EC) in working through ERCOT requirements that must be satisfied prior to participating in the Texas competitive market.
Dec 10, 2018 - doc - 66.5 KB

QSE Documents

ERCOT New Generator Commissioning Checklist
Checklist used by QSEs to complete required testing for new generating unit start-ups in the QSE's market and control systems, as well as ERCOT's operation and marketing systems. It is also required to receive expressed approval to connect to the ERCOT grid.
May 1, 2024 - docx - 98 KB
QSE Acknowledgement
The QSE Acknowledgement is located in Section 23 of Protocols. It is used by the QSE to acknowledge that it represents a Market Participant applicant for scheduling and settlement transactions with ERCOT.

Distribution Generation Resources