Planning Guide Revision Requests

View the pending Planning Guide Revision Requests (PGRRs) below. Concluded PGRRs may be found in the archives.

View a full report of all PGRRs below.


Issue Title Next Group
PGRR073 Related to NPRR956, Designation of Providers of Transmission Additions ROS
PGRR106 Clarify Projects Included in Transmission Project Information and Tracking (TPIT) Report BOARD
PGRR107 Related to NPRR1180, Inclusion of Forecasted Load in Planning Analyses ROS
PGRR112 Dynamic Data Model and Full Interconnection Study (FIS) Deadline for Quarterly Stability Assessment PUCT
PGRR113 Related to NPRR1198, Congestion Mitigation Using Topology Reconfigurations PUCT
PGRR114 Related to NPRR1212, Clarification of Distribution Service Provider’s Obligation to Provide an ESI ID PUCT
PGRR115 Related to NPRR1234, Interconnection Requirements for Large Loads and Modeling Standards for Loads 25 MW or Greater ROS
PGRR116 Related to NPRR1240, Access to Transmission Planning Information ROS
PGRR117 Addition of Resiliency Assessment and Criteria to Reflect PUCT Rule Changes ROS