
Title Related to NPRR1240, Access to Transmission Planning Information
Next Group TAC
Next Step Revision Request Consideration
Status Pending


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
10/03/2024 ROS Recommended for Approval Revision Request Consideration
09/09/2024 ROS Recommended for Approval Impact Analysis Consideration
08/01/2024 ROS Deferred/Tabled Language Consideration

Voting Record

Date Gov Body Motion Result
10/03/2024 ROS to endorse and forward to TAC the 9/9/24 ROS Report and 7/2/24 Impact Analysis for PGRR116 Passed
09/09/2024 ROS to recommend approval of PGRR116 as submitted Passed
08/01/2024 ROS to table PGRR116 Passed


Status: Pending
Date Posted: Jul 2, 2024
Sponsor: ERCOT
Urgent: No
Sections:, 4.1, and 7.1
Description: This Planning Guide Revision Request (PGRR) updates Planning Guide language to reflect the current practice of posting versions of the ERCOT Long-Term System Assessment (LTSA) and correspondingly updates the chart of data sets and designated classifications in paragraph (2) of Section 7.1, Planning Data and Information. The PGRR moves from the Market Information System (MIS) Secure Area to the public ERCOT website Transmission Service Provider (TSP) Annual Planning Criteria and correspondingly updates the chart of data sets and designated classifications in paragraph (2) of Section 7.1. The Planning Guide does not designate the criteria to be Protected Information such as to be posted in the section of the MIS Secure Area that is Certified for TSPs Only, and the Guide instead requires the criteria to be posted in the MIS Secure Area that is available to all Market Participants who register and request a Digital Certificate to access the MIS Secure Area. ERCOT Staff analyzed past TSP criteria submissions, along with existing Protocols for posting requirements, and identified no ongoing basis for holding in the MIS Secure Area submissions that contain only criteria for a market audience and not ECEII. Section 4.1, Introduction, requires TSPs to submit criteria if they use their own criteria in addition to the Planning Guide, and ERCOT has received five submissions since the year 2020, including two submissions in 2024. Prior to implementation of this PGRR and posting on the ERCOT website of criteria submissions to ERCOT, TSPs are encouraged to confirm their criteria submissions in the MIS Secure Area, if any, don’t contain ECEII and label the cover page and pages or portions of any ECEII submitted to ERCOT pursuant to paragraph (1) of Protocol Section, Submission of ERCOT Critical Energy Infrastructure Information to ERCOT. This PGRR also updates Planning Guide language to reflect the current practice of posting on the ERCOT website the Demand and Energy Monthly report, adding a requirement to include 15-minute interval data that is included in a version of the report currently posted on only the MIS Secure Area. ERCOT Staff analyzed the 15-minute interval data, along with existing Protocols for posting requirements, and identified no ongoing basis for holding in the MIS Secure Area Demand and Energy Monthly Reports that contain 15-minute interval data and not ECEII. This PGRR correspondingly updates the chart of data sets and designated classifications in paragraph (2) of Section 7.1. Finally, this PGRR clarifies the chart of data sets and designated classifications in paragraph (2) of Section 7.1 of the Guide does not constitute posting requirements. The chart is updated to reflect Generation Interconnection data sets now processed in Resource Integration and On-going Operations – Resource Services (RIOO-RS) rather than posted on the MIS Secure Area and removes references to Generation Interconnection or Change Request (GINR) forms no longer in use.
Reason: General system and/or process improvement(s)

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