Fuel Mix

Fuel Mix is a graphical representation of energy generation broken down by resource type in Real-Time as well as for the Previous Day and Current Day.

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This dashboard provides several ways of viewing energy generated by resource type.

Real-Time shows the current percentages of energy generated by resource type. 

Current Day shows the resource mix over the course of the current day so far.

Previous Day shows the resource mix over the course of the previous day.

On both the Current Day and Previous Day graphs, click the icon in the top right to switch the display between a stacked area chart (showing the total energy produced broken out by resource type at any point in time) or a line chart (showing the amount of energy produced by each resource type separately at each point in time).

Hover over the stacked area chart or line chart for a percentage breakdown of each resource type at a single point in time.

Here is some additional information about the few resource types that are not self-explanatory:

Power Storage
The Power Storage category includes the output from Energy Storage Resources (batteries) when discharging power; under current market rules, the power consumed by these devices when they are charging is included in the system load.

Natural Gas
The Natural Gas category is comprised of Gas Steam, Simple Cycle, Combined Cycle, and Reciprocating Engine resources and may also include resources that use diesel or fuel oil.

The Other category contains information from resources whose technology or fuel type doesn't fit one of the existing categories (such as biomass-fueled generation or capacity from Settlement-Only Distributed Generators).

Monthly Capacity
Monthly Capacity totals are from the Monthly Outlook for Resource Adequacy (MORA) report. Any differences between the Monthly Capacity totals in the table above and the MORA report are due to capacity adjustments of generation units with co-located large flexible loads. 

These values are all provided in megawatts (MW). 1 MW is enough to serve about 250 residential customers during ERCOT peak hours.