Market Notice Archives

ERCOT sends Market Notices to publicly subscribed email distribution lists as required in the protocols and other binding documents for scheduled releases, outages, business process failures, and other general information.

This section contains a three year archive of Market Notices.  Archive searches may be performed by Category, Date Range, and Keywords, or a combination of these criteria. For Market Notices older than three years, select the mailing list you are interested in from Market Notice Email Distribution Lists.

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Search for Market Notices within the past three years.

Date   Subject  
11/18/2021 W-A111121-05 Disbursement of PURA Subchapter M Funds as authorized by the Debt Obligation Order (DOO) in Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) Docket No. 52321
11/17/2021 W-A111121-04 Disbursement of PURA Subchapter M Funds as authorized by the Debt Obligation Order (DOO) in Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) Docket No. 52321
11/16/2021 W-A111121-03 Disbursement of PURA Subchapter M Funds as authorized by the Debt Obligation Order (DOO) in Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) Docket No. 52321
11/15/2021 W-A111121-02 Disbursement of PURA Subchapter M Funds as authorized by the Debt Obligation Order (DOO) in Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) Docket No. 52321