
Title: This Change Control will update the "DC005" code of the 650_01 to make the Friday Authorization flag required in any disconnection request relating to nonpayment.
Next Step: Approved as Non-Emergency by RMS on 10/19/11
Status: Implemented


Date Gov Body Action Taken Next Steps
10/19/2011 RMS Approved Approved as Non-Emergency by RMS on 10/19/11
10/13/2011 MCT Recommended for Approval Recommended for Approval as Non-Emergency on 10/13/11. Disconnects for tampering should mirror disconnects for non-pay and this change control is just clean up to have tampering and non-pay line up the same.


Status: Implemented
Date Submitted: 09/28/2011
Submitter Name: Ed Echols
Submitter Company: Oncor Electric Delivery
Emergency: No
Sections: 650_01
Description: With TX SET 4.0 the inclusion of a disconnection for nonpayment of tampering charges is being added -- Code approved for that is "DC005". No discussion to include the Friday Authorization flag was made during earlier change controls. The Friday Authorization flag should be required in any disconnection request relating to nonpayment.
Reason: The current guidelines appears to suggest that the Friday Authorization flag is only needed when the TDSP cannot disconnect on Friday because authorization has not been granted and the guide attempts to "govern" the timing of the process.
Version: 4.0
Protocol Impact: No

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